Ended the week with some extreme hinge fitting. When time is on my side I will attempt to have every part of a project fitted in the workshop before installing it on site. However with one thing and another these last few weeks have been manic. I was lucky to hit the fixed completion date for a pair of fitted bookcases. So I was left with no choice but to leave the hanging of two pairs of doors on the day of delivery. As a rule I don't like working away from the comfort of the workshop. Here I have all the tools I need, I can make as much noise and mess as I like, in short it is my domain. Working in somebody's home you are obliged to be on your best behaviour, and if some unforeseen problem arises it has to be solved useing only the tools and ingenuity you have to hand. I remember once working in an office in central London at about 8.00 at night and realising we had neglected to pack a hammer in the tool box! We ended up resorting to useing the battery end of a cordless drill.
Back to my fitting day and my set of doors. Luckily this time I had all I needed with me, the only thing I was short of was time. The bookcases were installed, it was time to turn my attention to the doors. I had 45 minuites to fit them and no more, the room I was working in had just been expensively decorated so no mess and if that was'nt enought the client had just got a very bad temperd baby off to sleep after many attempts, so no noise!

Whatever your technical approach to hinging doors to achive good results it has to be carried out with a calm clear head. So it was that I took a few deep breaths, found my inner calm place, and went to work.
OK maybe it wasn't a Gold performance, but I think I at least deserved a Silver.