Its that time of year again when the invites to exhibit work start to pop up in the email in box. Last year I threw myself into a exhibiting fury. After making the investment in time and money to make three purpose built pieces to an exhibition standard, I decide to show them at a many events as possible. From the exclusive and beautifully set up 'Celebration of Craftsmanship and Design' held annually in Cheltenham, through to the 'Open house exhibition' which runs along side the Brighton festival in May, and a few others in between. After all of the hard work the sum total of orders from my shows was a big nothing. Now I'm the first person to stand up and say that its not about sales, but about all important exposure. For it is exposure that gets who you are and what you do out there, and these days you need to be out there to survive and thrive as a small business. Also by showing your work you have an opportunity to get connected with the general public, where you can see how they react to your work, and get to know what they like.....or don't.
However my lack of success last year has left me feeling a little jaded about the whole experience. I know the thing to do
is take it on the chin, buy in some timber and get on with this years show pieces. Instead of this I have decided it will be 'no show' for me this year, which I can tell you is a great relief. But I will not be hiding away in a dark workshop, far from it, instead I am determined to look at new was to get my work and name out there in the public eye. I will keep these pages up to date with my successes and failures at this new course. Wish me luck