I'm not proud to say everytime I spot a Rep's shiny company car pulling up in the workshops yard my heart sinks. It's not that I don't like the guys that have been assigned with the near impossible job of attempting to part me from my hard earned cash, its just they always seem to arrive just as I'm in the middle of an important task. Or even worse they turn up just as I have put the kettle on, forcing me to be polite and offer a cup of tea, even though I know this will result in a wasted hour spent listing to tails of their last family holiday in Disneyland!

Just sometimes though the pain is worth it. For example this week I had a visit from my Wurth rep Gary. Poor Gary has been dealing with my uninspiring account for years, yet still comes in with a positive smile. I had been bleating on to Garry about I project I had comming up that required lots of wooden battern's being fixed to a concreat wall, this would take time and lots of messing about. He suggested useing Wurth Amo 111 fixing screws, these were new to me.
The beauty of the Amo 111 is its simplicity, just drill a 6.2mm hole (yes you need to get a 6.2mm bit) into the wall and drive the self tapping screw straight in. No need for nylon plugs. Design mainly for installing windows, the Amo 111 creates zero tension with no spreading force when fixing, so on corners of walls there is no danger of walls cracking and breaking out. A milled screw head will countersink into wood plastic and aluminium, with a white and brown cover cap available if needed. The 7.5diameter screw is available in six sizes from 72mm through to 152mm, all of which have a thread which extends right up to the head, and are available in yellow chromate and stainless steel.
This straight forward wall fixing system was a great find, Garry earnt his cup of tea that day.
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