Firstly appoligies for the lack of blogs for the last two weeks, this was not planned. After a full on year that left little time for me and my family, a decision was taken to head off to the east coast of Italy for two weeks. The plan was to relax, get to know each other again and soak up enough sunshine to get us all through the winter. Not one to enjoy being too idle, I had taken along my IPad, and sketch pad with a mind to post two blogs and start outlining projects for the next book.

All these good intentions went out the window as I was once again seduced by the scenery and pace of life in Italy. Each time I went to pick up my sketch pad I was overcome with a unrelenting need to take a swim in the Adriatic sea, or go on a bike ride with my kids.
If this is sounding like a travel blog I'm sorry, but my point is sometimes the brain just stops wanting to work. I think my mind was battling fatigue on one hand and then being bombarded by the beauty of its surroundings on the other. The last thing it wanted was to control a pencil around a blank sheet of paper, and who can blame it. There is a time and place for this stuff and we have to respect that.
One unexpected benefit of my uncreative holiday was to be witnessed at a meeting with my publishers this week, I was on fire! Ideas and schemes were comming thick and fast. And in the workshop, problems that had been on my mind for sometime were quickly found solutions.
So I appoligise again for the missing blogs, but believe me it was worth it.
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